4 Facts About Total Joint Replacement

If a doctor has advised that you receive surgery to treat your chronic hip or knee pain, you’re likely contemplating what a total replacement would mean for you. It’s a daunting phrase in itself, the thought of having a major joint completely replaced. Even if your daily routine has become difficult and other treatments have been ineffective, just the idea of a prosthetic hip or knee can be scary. However, the procedure has a strong track record of reducing pain and restoring hip function to patients throughout the country. The success rate 10 years post-surgery is between 90-95 percent and continues to be highly effective long after.
Fact #1: Knee and Hip Replacements Are More Common Than You Might Think
Chances are, you know several people in your life who have gotten total joint replacements. They are very common, with over 600,000 knee replacements and 400,000 hip replacements being conducted in just the United States alone each year.
At MidAmerica Orthopaedics, we have several fellowship-trained physicians that are licensed to perform these procedures and do so carefully, thoroughly, and safely so you can keep your peace of mind throughout the entire process.
Fact #2: The Number of Total Joint Replacements is Expected to Climb
Even more amazing than the already high number of these procedures every year, models indicate that the number of total knee replacements conducted in the United States could climb 673%, which equates to 3.5 million annually. The same is true for hip replacements and other joint replacements as well.
Clinics across the country including MidAmerica Orthopaedics are prepared to make these extremely helpful procedures more widely available to those who need them. We strive to make sure any patient that comes through our doors has all of their pain relieved and can get back to doing what they love as soon as possible.
Fact #3: Conditions Like Arthritis and Osteoporosis Can Lead to Joint Replacements
Oftentimes, patients come to clinics like MidAmerica with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis, and we consult with them and determine the best course of action to be a joint replacement. In case you’re unsure of what these conditions are, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes the body’s immune system to attack the joints, causing pain and swelling. On the other hand, osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes the bones to become more weak and brittle, causing them to fracture far easier. And since one of the most common areas where bones are fractured is in the hip, oftentimes the damage requires a total joint replacement at the hip.
Fact #4: Total Joint Replacements Require a Lengthy Recovery Process
Don’t expect to get back to high activity levels right after an operation such as a total joint replacement. As previously discussed, the success rate for knee and hip replacements is generally high, with most people experiencing significant improvement in their symptoms and quality of life. However, as with any surgery, there are risks and complications that can occur. So, it is best to take it slow, consult physical therapists as necessary, and let your body recover naturally.
We hope you found these insights helpful if you or someone you know becomes one of the many people who need a total joint replacement, and remember that MidAmerica Orthopaedics has your back. We offer treatment for all types of total joint replacements, including shoulder, knee, hip, and more.